Steve Jobs and Apple Computer
It is widely known that Steve Jobs, who in the late 1970s co-founded with Steve Wozniak the Apple Computer Company, has been the creative driving force behind most of the technology that Apple has developed and charmed computer users with around the World.
Jobs left Apple in the mid 1980s and returned in the late 1990s. For over ten years, Apple functioned without Jobs. But it does seem that most of Apple’s revolutionizing products were direct results of Jobs’ vision.
Jobs, as reported numerous times over the past few months, is having health problems and currently on health leave from Apple. His absence has created an unsettling sense that Apple will falter without his leadership. And, that a Jobs-like successor is needed.
In the Conde’ Nast Portfolio March 09 issue writer Kevin Maney wrote, “Jobs has proven his business brilliance, and Apple could coast nicely for a number of years just on Jobs-fueled momentum. But by most accounts, he has not groomed a successor or codified he secrets of his magic.”
Apple Specialists
Is it possible to codify or formulize one’s creativity or genius? It hasn’t been done yet and unless Steve Jobs himself can find a way to capture his own creative genius, it probably won’t happen any time soon.
It would be a good idea for Apple to start using its resources to recruit other creative top level executives that have a revolutionary vision – not necessarily exactly like Jobs – that can take Apple to another level.
IBM is a company that has survived a multitude of creative and innovative leadership. Disney thrived and raised its technology genius even higher than when its founder ran the empire. The Ford Motor company is another example of a company surviving its innovative founder.
Apple Computer Inc.
Apple has survived technology wars for over 25 years and almost half of those years without Jobs. As one who has taken an active part in following, using, promoting, teaching, and supporting the technology wave for 25 years, I believe Apple will be part of technology well into the 21st century.
Whether Jobs decides to leave the company in the near future or the distance future, Apple has proven it is a survivor and that it can find a way to use its creative drive to survive.
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